Abantu How-To Guides
Exclusive instructional PDF guides for application, removal and maintenance of Wefted, Fusion and Clip in Hair Extensions. Each guide is an Acrobat PDF you can read online or download and offers concise help on things you should and shouldn't do to manage beautiful looking and natural feeling extensions.
Abantu has gone to some length to bring you this collection of How-To Guides offering concise instruction on the application and maintenance of the most popular hair extension systems. Exciting new product trends and ever-changing tools and techniques are a constant and therefore these guides will ebb and flow with the demands of the day. Each guide is a handy, downloadable and printable PDF, and also easily viewable online.
Our guides include references to maintenance product well established to 'do the trick' with confidence. Some product is very specific regarding hair type, and recommended often because it's brand-matched to perfection. In other cases it's possible to find similar product of alternate brands well-suited to the task. No doubt you have your favourites but please always ensure your maintenance product is specifically made for your extension hair type. Please do browse Abantu's Maintenance section for more options.
Give us a call or drop a line if you have questions the guides haven't answered.
info@abantu.com 1.800. 615.9899
7-piece Clip-in Extensions
Lord & Cliff Fusion Extensions
Keratin-bonded Extensions
Tape-in Extensions
7-piece Clip-in Extensions
Lord & Cliff Fusion Extensions
Tape-in Extensions
Wefted Hair Extensions